
Book 3 of the Wings ‘N’ Wands Series

Salem’s guide to making a dragon break up with him:

Step 1: Don’t sleep with him. (No, seriously, don’t.) And definitely don’t let him into your apartment, he won’t leave.

Step 2: Deny being mates and don’t fall in love with him.

…Step one and two failed. Gregori is too stubborn and irresistable.

Salem is currently taking suggestions that don’t involve giving in to his feelings.

(Please note, do not try making the dragon jealous. Jealousy sex is too much fun and cannot be resisted. This will backfire.)


One-night stand, ha! just kidding, surgeons be stubborn, no seriously Salem is the king of stubborn, Gregori is stubborn too, how to woo a reluctant mage 101, idiots to lovers, idiots to still idiots, no change on that front, ice dragons can burn up the sheets, more dragon cuddles, broken magic, Brazil, medical magic, mate fog can be dangerous, Rodrigo despairs of his dragons, Ha Na is Very Disappointed, that scares everyone, Sam is ready to throat punch Salem, Russian food is magical, all the cameos, age of mages, Ravi and his twins haven’t burned down the world, yet, 3 a.m. is a perfectly valid time for naked bonding ceremonies

Available October 11, 2024