I’ll admit that I’m writing this from my hotel room on the day the GayRomLit (GRL) Retreat has ended for 2019. It was my second GRL conference and I have to stay that it was an absolutely fabulous event!

At the moment, I attend about one conference a year. You might not know this, but a good chunk of authors are actually introverts. We either have day jobs that consume a good chunk of our lives.
Or if we’re lucky enough to actually write full-time, we don’t venture far from our pajamas and laptops.
But conferences give us a great chance to not only meet readers but also our fellow authors, whom we usually chat with here and there between deadlines while online.
Since starting to write gay romance with Rinda, I feel like I’ve truly found my tribe. I have met soooooo many amazing people who are supportive and funny and incredibly understanding. They know what it’s like when the words don’t want to come or when life keeps getting in the way or maybe a book launch doesn’t go quite how you wanted it to. They are people to give you a hug when you need it, but most importantly, help you get back on your feet so you can keep writing.
I’ve been publishing books almost non-stop for 11 years now. But this year’s GRL, chatting with friends and readers, I’ve finally felt like I’m home.
Thank you to everyone – authors and readers – who passed a little time with me. And a big thank to the organizers (Carol Lynne, Reese Dante, Teresa Emil) and all the amazing volunteers who made this year’s GRL amazing!!
Naturally, I didn’t take nearly enough pictures. The event always goes by way to fast and I’m usually more focused on trying to remember everyone’s name than grabbing my phone for a picture. However, I have included a few pictures that I’ve managed to grab. There were so many people there and I didn’t have time to talk to nearly as many people as I wanted to.
But that’s just incentive to go back next year and make sure I carve out more time to just chat with people.
If you have been considering GRL, I think you should definitely go. It was a blast. Next year’s is slated to be St. Louis, Missouri and it’s always around mid-October. Mark it on your calendar now.
Unless something horrible happens, I am planning to attend GRL in 2020. In addition, Rinda has indicated that she is seriously thinking about attending next year as well!
But that’s not the only conference I have already committed to.
In case you missed the recent announcement, I will be attending GLO in Sydney, Australia in 2021! I am so excited. A large number of authors have already committed to the conference and it’s going to be a lot of fun!
It’s my first trip to Australia and I know I’ve accumulated a lot of Australian readers over the years. I’m so glad that I have the chance to come see them.
So if I’ve not had the chance to see you at a conference, I hope that changes in the near future. And if I did get the opportunity to meet you at GRL this year, thank you very much for making it an absolutely amazing trip!