Vampires, Elves, & Demons

I am moving!

If you’ve been following me for several years, this isn’t a new thing. My husband and I tend to move around quite a lot. We love to experience new places and people.

In this case, it’s time to head back to the Cincinnati area where we both grew up so we can be closer to family and friends. We’ve loved Denver and plan to visit often for vacation.

But! The move!

We will be moving in just 2 months. That means life is going to be a little chaotic and I might not be online much. However, I will continue to send out my newsletter on a regular basis so you can keep up with all the stories and other insanity coming out.

The move isn’t going to stop my writing or book releases!

May 31st!

I have just finished the copyedits for Two Thousand Blades and it moves on to the proofer this weekend. The book is right on schedule to be released on May 31st. The only thing I need to do is write the bonus story that goes with the two main characters.

If you haven’t started the Kings of Chaos yet, now is the perfect time to get caught up. You can grab Two Thousand Dreams and Two Thousand Tears, and the matching bonus stories for both books. What’s more, the audiobook for Two Thousand Dreams just released!

August 22nd!

I am currently working on my novel for the Fortune Favors the Fae collection. My book is called I Destroyed the Elf Prince’s Harem and features an author who is magically sucked into his own book after finding a magic coin.

Here is a quick description:

Who hasn’t wanted to disappear into their favorite book? Live in the world of their favorite characters?

Well, when this author fell off a bridge thanks to flipping a magic coin, I woke up in the one place I didn’t want to be—my own unfinished novel.

Now I’m trying to untangle this twisted plot, put the hero back on track to finding his brother’s killer, and getting his happily ever after.

All while not dying at the hands of orcs, ogres, humans, elves, and just about anyone else I run into.

Maybe if I clean up this mess, I’ll be able to go home.

Except that going home sounds less appealing the longer I’m around Prince Nylian.

Crap! Am I falling for the hero too?

I Destroy the Elf Prince’s Harem is a stand-alone novel within the Fortune Favors the Fae collection and follows the adventures of one poor author as he stumbles his way through his own novel and just maybe falls in love with the hero. Along the way he will encounter elves, humans, ogres, a wizard-in-training who’s really bad at magic, jealousy, possessiveness, political intrigue, secrets, and a prince who has eyes for just one man. Unfortunately, that one man is as blind as a bat when it comes to love.

I am aiming to finish writing the book next week and get it shipped off to my editor to wrangle. This book is going to be at beast at well over 100,000 words.

You can preorder your copy now and keep an eye on this series page as more books are added to the collection.

In the mood for demons?

While you’re waiting for those two books to be released, you can dive into the new serial I’ve started writing on Patreon and Ream. And you can read it for FREE!

I know, it’s crazy.

Followers and I have built this story on two fun memes – one where a house full of demons meddle in a grad student’s life and another where a grad student is followed by a murder of crows around campus.

As I add chapters to the story, I will provide opportunities for readers to vote and suggest where the story should go next.

The first chapter is now up and I’ll be adding more this weekend. Just be sure to follow me for free so you get updates on when I add more chapters to the story.

But that’s not the only story I have up on Patreon and Ream right now!

For as little as $5 per month, you can get early access to the first six chapter of I Destroyed the Elf Prince’s Harem and Two Thousand Blades. There are even more chapters available for the other tiers and I’ll be adding more each week.

More exclusive content includes:

  • A Valentine’s Day short story for Kairo and Izzie from the Shadow Elite series
  • A fun short story for Aiden and Ronan from Lords of Discord
  • An official timeline for all the Paranormal Royalty series
  • Two deleted chapters for Two Thousand Tears

Check out all the fun stories and behind the scene fun!

As soon as I finish working on I Destroyed the Elf Prince’s Harem, I will dive into the final Wings ‘N’ Wands book, Soar. AJ Sherwood and I plotted out 80% of the book last month and I just need to clear off my schedule so I can wrangle an ice dragon and a very stubborn, reluctant mage.

Speaking of Wings ‘N’ Wands, the audiobook for Rise is slated for release on May 21st. Don’t forget to pre-order your copy!

After Soar is written, I’ll shift gears back to vampires and finish out the last two books of the Kings of Chaos series. Then! Then I will change again to tackle a brand new contemporary romance series. As you can see, a lot is coming for the rest of the year! I can’t wait to share all the stories.

Happy reading,
